
I mediate a variety of disputes, including family or estate matters and court-ordered mediations before lawsuits go to trial. Unlike arbitration, which is similar to courtroom practice, mediation is an opportunity for the parties to work together to fashion a mutually-acceptable resolution to their dispute that avoids further litigation. In keeping with the spirit of the process, I work to ensure that the tone remains cordial and collaborative, not adversarial.

Although mediations tend to be less formal than arbitrations, my judicial experience allows me to provide a credible evaluation as to which party ultimately will prevail if the dispute is not resolved. When I suggest to a party that they are acting unreasonably and are unlikely to obtain the resolution they seek, that assessment alone is often convincing enough to avert costly, unnecessary litigation. On those occasions when mediation is unsuccessful, I am often asked to preside over a subsequent arbitration. This seamless transition between the two procedures results in cost-savings for clients and faster resolution of the dispute.

I am a member of the American Arbitration Association panel of Mediators.